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The Chronicles Of Me

Hi, My name is Shannon Nicole Caldwell. In person, I am known as a goofball. On Facebook sometimes I'm a mixture between an Internet Troll and an actually pretty decent human being. In Houston, Texas, I am known for being a successful business owner for a writing service called Submit Your Assignments.

End of Week Chronicles is comprised of a summary of the best/worst day out of my week that I felt like sharing with an audience. This blog will also consist of one monthly Featured Story alongside a shared moment between my Mother and I (Mama Bear). A lot of people have contacted me in the past, suggesting that I find a place to share my stories. So here we are, welcome to my online Diary. If you are an archenemy of mine, you should probably pray that I don't put you in it :)

You're probably asking yourself, well why should I care about your thoughts? You shouldn't, but you're here anyway. That reason might be because you like me, you don't like me, or you're unsure if you do like me. Maybe it is a love/hate relationship. But you're here for a reason, and that reason is to subscribe to my blog and let your thoughts of me sort themselves out.

My overall goal is to tell a story about an encounter I have on a weekly basis and try and find one positive message that I can share to not only encourage someone else out there but to also make them laugh.

I hope that you enjoy my week, more than I do and find a way to laugh with me. So hit that Subscribe button and get the first peek of the thoughts that run through my big sexy forehead.


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