The 7 Reasons Why Black People Always Die First In Scary Movies I believe that we have all watched our fair share of scary movies. We’ve all seen the opening of a movie, with a woman in the shower. She hears a noise and says, “hello?” And the audience sighs because she gave her location away to the killer. Now imagine a black woman in the shower. She will have her shower cap on and will hear ALL. If she understands anything, it won’t be a hello. It’ll be a goodbye, she will either fight or flight. Imagine your top ten picks and then try to recall the black character in each those films. Did they die off first? Were they killed towards the beginning or middle of the movie? Yeah, let me clue you in as to why. We do not play by any of the rules: You know those typical ghost stories? Where there is running water, or the doors are slammed or closed behind you while you're brushing your teeth? Yeah, WE don't play that. We would confront it. "Look here g...
I remember when I was dating someone, and I sought out the advice of my closest friends. They would tell me I was too "nice", and that I should never give and do all of what I was doing in my relationship. But yet those same people would seek someone who could love them endlessly. People will always tell you what you are doing wrong, rather than what you are doing right. They will make you feel stupid for being who you are and giving your all. What is so wrong with loving someone on a higher level. Loving someone the same way that you would want to be loved. You know who you are, and what you can offer. There are people out there who will appreciate you, and even the weirdest parts of you. Its weird, I have had a few guys get into my inbox on facebook asking for photographs of my foot. One even went so far as to offer me money for poses. I'm so confused on exactly how one would pose with their FEET. Like do I take a picture with the sock half off? Throw up gang sign...